Facebook, reminded me of this from 2 years ago. Here we are and it's time again for the blue tarps, only this time, for my road trip North to Luther Seminary. Still tarps in the back of an old red pick-up truck only now, this is my old (and, I pray,) reliable red...and the tarps, the "truck topper" for my bits and bobs that (being human) I continue to cling to. off the rack wears for bridesmaid
When I didn't think I had another tear left after my St. Timothy's send off yesterday, (Thank you Saul Rodriguez and Pastor Rick Malivuk!) another tearful goodbye breafast today. I will confess, there have been more tears and clinging than any other time in my life.
What bounces in my brain? Grief and a selfish, child-like longing to stay now combines with the certain understanding that my leaving is merely venturing out, to share the love, which has been breathed and poured out for me, with others.
So my beloved church in the world, and my dear St. Timothy's family, my love and prayers are for you. God's blessings and my endless thanks, Christine Lepore Harkins , Tom Henderson , and Lynn Schweitzer Conlen .